Your Agile project at Eclipse with Tuleap

Pascal Rapicault @prapicault & Manuel Vacelet @vaceletm


No commercial relationship between Rapicorp and Enalean!

Pascal used Tuleap in 2013 while at Ericsson, he wanted to use it at Eclipse.

Why another tool at the foundation?

Support of Agile methodologies at Eclipse

  • Agile is recognized as a good practice;
  • Most of us are accostomed to Agile methodologies in our corporate setup;
  • Because not every nail is suitable for the bugzilla hammer we currently have.

Expected Benefits

  • Improve open-ness by adding transparency and visibility;
  • Communicate status and future work efficiently.

Enters Tuleap

  • Application lifecycle management (ALM)
  • General purpose with strong Agile tooling
  • Open source, GPL v2
  • Evolve fast (1 release per month)

Agile: Scrum / cardwall

Agile: Scrum / planning

Agile: Kanban

Current Status deployed as a pilot

  • Hardware provided by the Eclipse Foundation
  • Management of the instance done by Enalean

Early adopters

  • Tracecompass
  • Polarsys
  • EGerrit
  • Apogy

What's next?

  • Build momentum by signing up more projects
  • Work the integration issues (e.g. SSL, LDAP^WOAuth2, etc)
  • Define a bugzilla / Tuleap strategy

What can I do now?

  • Create your account, project
  • Help Pascal & Manuel for day to day ops
  • Spread the word!